What are the differences between the Essential Series and the Signature Series Shears?Updated a year ago
You’ve probably heard about our shears but might be wondering, “What are the differences?” The type of metal used, the length of the blades, our tension adjustment systems and cost are just a few of the differences.
Now, let’s get you up to speed so when it comes time to buy new shears you are holding the perfect pair that fits your wants and desires!
The Essential Series. “True to my mission of making ergonomically correct tools for stylists that deliver maximum results with minimum effort, I wanted to offer a line of precision shears that any stylist could afford, regardless of whether they’re just getting out of beauty school or well established. And, I included the true lefty versions because stylists are frustrated with the lack of lefty options and I knew there was a need in the market,” explains Sam.
Signature Series Shears are the original, upper tier line with advanced ergonomic comfort and superior performance. Shears created by a stylist, for stylists. These high-performance precision shears are made with Japanese molybdenum alloy, Rockwell Hardness/60-61. They have convex blades and a polymer lining at the pivot point for an even smooth gliding action. They also have a Leaf Spring Tension System, so the blades evenly distribute cutting action across the length and width of the blade. These shears are sure to be a stylist’s new best friend. Ideal for any stylist interested in a superior shear with all the “bells and whistles”…think Lexus.
Essential Series Shears are the humble, yet powerful brother of the Signature Series Shears, made with 440C Japanese Stainless Steel, Rockwell Hardness/58-59, they have convex blades and a Click Set Stream Line Tension System with a flat screw, which is ideal for slide cutting. Ideal for any stylist looking for that every day “workhorse” shear…think Toyota.
It’s not about another pair of shears, it’s about your hands,” Sam says. “If a stylist drops their arm at their side in a neutral position, shakes it, brings it up naturally and holds a pair of my shears, they can feel the ergonomic design. Their elbow will be level, their hands and fingers will be in a neutral position with the shear blades horizontal, and minimal thumb movement is needed to open and close the shear. If the same stylist were also holding opposing grip shears, they would be set a different angle with the blades pointing more upward, and more input would be needed from the elbow, shoulder and thumb to level out and open and close those shears which causes more strain on those body parts.”
There you have it! If you have any further questions, reach out to one of our experts today: